Join Vika, a spirited young girl, and the mayor of a magical city as they endeavor to revive the holiday spirit and usher in a successful New Year in an enchanting journey on in Vega Mix: Fairy Town. In this captivating adventure, players are invited to join Vika and the mayor on their quest, solving challenging match-3 levels and overcoming obstacles to spread joy and cheer throughout the city. With each puzzle solved, the holiday magic grows stronger, bringing hope and happiness to all who dwell within. As you accompany Vika and the mayor on their quest, you'll encounter a variety of challenging match-3 levels that will put your puzzle-solving skills to the test. By connecting elements and strategizing your moves, you'll overcome obstacles and help the mayor tackle the problems that threaten to dampen the holiday spirit. From clearing away debris to rescuing lost presents, each level presents a new challenge to overcome and a new opportunity to spread joy. Enjoy playing this match 3 puzzle game here at!